The Transbay neighborhood includes plans for more than 6 million square feet of new downtown office space in a high-density commercial core surrounding the Transit Center and nearly 4,400 units of new housing of which 1,200 (35%) will be permanently affordable.
With the Transit Center at its core

Catch the bird-eye view of the Transbay neighborhood
Transit Oriented Development
The Transbay Program is a National Model for Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
The Heart of San Francisco
The Transit Center is the hub of a transit-oriented neighborhood where people live, work, visit parks, and shop within walking distance of public transportation.
Reduce Emissions, Improved Efficiency
The transit oriented development around the Transit Center reduces energy and commuting costs, resulting in increases in household incomes, with reduced traffic congestion and commute times increasing productivity.
Creating Open Space
The transit oriented development spurred by the construction of the Transit Center, helps conserve land, particularly sensitive natural areas, and reduce suburban sprawl. They improve health as more people walk and ride bikes, increase neighborhood mobility, and provide new recreational opportunities through development of urban parks.
The Transit Center District Plan and the Transbay Redevelopment Plan are the essential implementing documents for the new Transbay neighborhood.
About 6 million square feet of new downtown office space
in a high density commercial core surrounding the new Transit Center, providing space for more than 24,000 new employees.
About 4,500 new homes
including about 1,300 affordable units, housing more than 7,000
new residents.
Approximately 100,000
Approximately 100,000 square feet of new retail in the Transit Center.
Approximately 150,000 square feet
of new retail in the Transbay neighborhood surrounding the Transit Center.
A dramatic new skyline
punctuated by a limited number of tall buildings, including the tallest high-rise in San Francisco and new hotels.
New public parks,
including a 5.4-acre rooftop park on the Transit Center and more than 5 acres of new parks in the Transbay neighborhood.
Wide sidewalks
with landscaping, lighting, seating, and pedestrian amenities.
Mid-block crossings
keyed to alleyway systems and other pedestrian safety improvements.
Safe bicycle lanes that are convenient.