Personal Matters: Medicinal and grooming pedestal
Archaeology Album

These types of jars were commonly used in 19th-century homes in San Francisco. They were used for cosmetics and hygiene products of all types including toothpastes, shaving creams, cold creams, hair pomades, and ointments. The more elaborately decorated jars were sometimes reused for other purposes. These samples include a jar that contained one of the products offered by B. B. Thayer & Co., a San Francisco apothecary, as well as perfume from E. Roussel of 114 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. Colorful lids like the one depicting a scene from a circus were produced after 1850 and were special-ordered by drug and cosmetic companies for their products. These samples were found in the backyards of 40 Natoma, 42 Natoma, and 45 Minna streets.